Worldwide Concept Association

Our purpose is to:

Analyzing the need and problems of, favouring and organizing all meetings with and exchanges between, and bringing solutions in terms of social benefits for:

  • –  the independent workers, the employees, mainly based in Europe whateverthe professional activity;
  • –  the Expatriates, Shorebased personnel, officers, professional crews in themaritime sector and generally speaking seamen and people they are in charge of, such as defined in the conventions passed by the ILO, the bargaining agreement, the employment agreement and all local law as well as professionals with an activity linked with the maritime sector;and dependents, whatever the nationality,
    as well as initiate, develop and encourage the support and/or the funding of all assistance, of all projects related to the needs and challenges met by those independent professionals in their residing country regarding their professional or extra-curricular activities notably but not exclusively regarding the prevention, the protection as well as their health at work.

Soliciting – in particular but not exclusively – its members, third parties, national, international or community, private and public organizations to make contributions in order to get the money which is necessary to finance the costs and expenditure linked with the operating and maintaining of the Association, subject to Netherlands Law.

Creating a permanent fund which is strictly used to achieve the Objects and Purposes of the Association

Taking all steps and carrying out all activities which may be directly or indirectly of use to its Objects and Purposes within the scope of Netherlands Law with regard to Non Profit Making Associations

The objective of the Association is not to gain profits. The contribution entitles you to the Medical Errors + Welfare Plans negociated by WYCC Insurance.

Worldwide Concept Association – Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Amsterdam, Netherlands

You wish to become a member, please contact us